For a Kinder, Gentler Society
Gold, The Real Reason for the Fall of Dominique Strauss-Kahn
Methods used by the IMF feature the issuance - or printing - of its own near-money Special Drawing Rights, and the swapping of these for central bank gold from "assisted countries". The aided country will, through IMF magic, report an increase - not a decrease - in its central bank holdings despite the physical gold being transported out of the country.
The Market Oracle

Gold, The Real Reason for the Fall of Dominique Strauss-Kahn
JUNE 12, 2011

Jun 12, 2011 - 02:41 AM

By: Andrew_McKillop


Requesting anonymity in return for speaking, senior French financial officials have disclosed their interpretation of why and how Dominique Strauss-Kahn known as "DSK" in France, fell suddenly from world power as head of the IMF.


The official reserve of Egypt's 75.60 tons unchanged for 22 years is now extremely unlikely to be the real reserve. When Gaddafi and his sons who remain alive flee from Libya, its official gold reserves, flexibly estimated at anything from about 143 tons to over 220 tons will in no way correspond with what is left. If or when the Bachr al Assad regime of Syria tumbles, and al Assad and his family and henchmen possibly flee to Tehran, certainly not Riyadh, its official gold reserves of 25.80 tons, unchanged for over 30 years, will rather surely not be what the incoming regime will find left in its central bank.

Emerging and leaked comment on DSK's "last days at the IMF" from French financial officials indicate massive plans to sell gold to Germany. The process, under full crisis conditions, would include channelling stolen and looted gold from the central banks of collapsing Arab dictatorships, and massive gold swap deals with the central banks and money authorities of near-bankrupt and nearing-bankrupt but gold-rich European countries, especially Portugal, Greece, Spain, Belgium and Romania.

The counterparty to handing over gold to any official but secret buyers, which as well as Germany could have included the USA, China and India, Russia, Brazil and the Arab petro-states, is simple: cash.


We can provisionally conclude the scam failed and DSK had to rapidly disappear. Certainly this year, probably by late summer, the failure of the DSK operation will be clearly shown. Signs could include a radically toughening of the German stance on financial aid to Eurozone states, serious weakening of the euro, and revelations of missing gold in several Arab states, followed by an explosion of gold prices.

By Andrew McKillop

Gold, The Real Reason for the Fall of Dominique Strauss-Kahn