For a Kinder, Gentler Society
Race to the Frontier
White Flight and Westward Expansion
  • John V. H. Dippel
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Race to the Frontier . White Flight and Westward Expansion
Sound Bite
Race relations were an important driving force in the move to settle the West, as the political records and personal accounts show. Race to the Frontier provides an analysis of this little-discussed but essential facet of American history.

About the Author

John V. H. Dippel has published two books with Algora, Race to the Frontier: White Flight and Westward Expansion (2005) and Eighteen Hundred and Froze to Death — The Impact of America's First Climate Crisis (2015).

He is also author of Two Against Hitler, Bound Upon a Wheel of Fire, and War and Sex. In addition, his articles on political affairs have appeared in such publications as The Atlantic Monthly, The New Republic, and The New Leader.

A graduate of Princeton University, John Dippel also holds advanced degrees from Trinity College, Dublin, and Columbia University. After having resided for many years in New York's historic Hudson Valley, he now lives in northwest Connecticut.


About the Book
Why did so many thousands of settlers pull up stakes and undertake the arduous journey to the frontier in 18th and 19th-century America?' While the desire for a more prosperous future figured prominently in their decisions, so...
Why did so many thousands of settlers pull up stakes and undertake the arduous journey to the frontier in 18th and 19th-century America?' While the desire for a more prosperous future figured prominently in their decisions, so did another, largely overlooked factor -- the presence of slavery and the growing number of blacks, both free and slave, in the eastern half of the United States. Poor white farmers, particularly those in the Upper South, found themselves displaced by the spreading of the plantation system. In order to survive economically they were chronically forced to move further inland. As they did so, they brought with them a deep animosity toward the enslaved blacks whom they blamed for this uprooting. Wherever these "plain folk" farmers subsequently settled -- in Kentucky, the free states north of the Ohio River, Missouri, and the outpost of Oregon, they sought to erect legal barriers to prevent slavery from taking hold as well as to deter the migration of free blacks who would otherwise compete for jobs and endanger white society. The pushing back of the frontier can be seen as an attempt to escape the complexities of a biracial nation and preserve white homogeneity by creating sanctuaries in these Western lands. The political struggle to establish more free states west of the Mississippi also reflects this goal: white nominally opposed to slavery, many "free staters" were most concerned about keeping all blacks at bay. "Race to the Frontier" is the first book to trace the impact of this racial hostility throughout the settlement of the West, from the days of colonial Virginia up to the Civil War. It clearly demonstrates how closely racial prejudice, economic growth, and geographical expansion have been entwined in American history.
Table of Contents
Introduction I. White Negroes In The Tidewater II. Running For The Virginia Hills III. Bluegrass, Black Dominance IV. White Flight acros
Introduction I. White Negroes In The Tidewater II. Running For The Virginia Hills III. Bluegrass, Black Dominance IV. White Flight across the Ohio V. Holding the Color Line in the Old Northwest VI. Racial Strife Crosses the Mississippi VII. The Politics of Exclusion VIII. Manifest Necessity Epilogue Selected Bibliography Index
Reference & Research - Book News, Inc. | More »
Pacific Northwest Quarterly Summer 2006 | More »
CHOICE Magazine Jan 2007 | More »
The State Historical Society of Missouri | More »
Indiana Magazine of History, Volume 104, No 2. June 2008. | More »

Pages 352
Year: 2005
LC Classification: E179.5.D57
Dewey code: 978'.02'dc22
BISAC: HIS036041
Soft Cover
ISBN: 978-0-87586-422-8
Price: USD 22.95
Hard Cover
ISBN: 978-0-87586-423-5
Price: USD 29.95
ISBN: 978-0-87586-424-2
Price: USD 22.95
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