For a Kinder, Gentler Society
Global Systemic Economic Crisis - 2012: The Year of the World’s Great Geopolitical Swing
After 2012 [the world’s dominant powers of before-the-crisis] power will be weakened too much to still be able to claim maintaining this privileged situation. The recent S&P downgrade of the majority of the Euroland countries is a typical example of these last chance attempts: pushed by Wall Street and the City, and because of their insatiable financing needs, the United States and United Kingdom have arrived at the point of engaging in open financial warfare with their last allies, the Europeans. It’s geopolitical suicide because this attitude obliges Euroland to reinforce and integrate still more and whilst dissociating itself from the United States and United Kingdom; whilst the vast majority of the Eurozone leaders and the populations have finally understood that there really was a transatlantic and cross-Channel war being conducted against them.
Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin (GEAB) no. 61

Global Systemic Economic Crisis - 2012: The Year of the World’s Great Geopolitical Swing

Global Systemic Economic Crisis - 2012: The Year of the World’s Great Geopolitical Swing