For a Kinder, Gentler Society
Queries and Proposals

NONFICTION: Algora is an academic-type press, publishing general nonfiction for the educated reader. We publish works by American and international authors.

Subjects relating to anthropology, government/politics, health/medicine, history, military/war/peace, philosophy, political economics, secular analysis of religion, science, sociology may be considered.

Proposal packages should include a description of the work, its length, and a revealing excerpt - typically, an outline with 3 sample chapters - or a complete manuscript, a statement defining the intended target readership, and a description of the author's qualifications.

You may send a short query by email first, if you like, to see whether we are interested in reviewing a full proposal. However, we prefer not to receive large files via email. The best way to submit a query or manuscript is by uploading your file to our website. (From the Homepage, go to Submit Your Manuscript, Upload Your File.)

We strive to respond in less than a month to queries and proposals that are submitted via UPLOAD or email; if you send your submission by US Mail with a stamped self-addressed return envelope, we set ourselves the goal of responding within 3 months.

We welcome proposals for original manuscripts, but we do NOT handle Memoirs, Opinion Pieces or Essayistic/Literary Works, Personal Stories, Fiction, Self-Help, Recovery, Auto-Biographies, Children's books.

For first-time writers, we have a special program to help them outline their projects and we lead in the effort of crafting our authors' raw manuscripts into literary works.

Let us know what you are working on, and we'll let you know if it sounds like a good fit with Algora.